Arch Builders

Arch building analogy have been distilled and summarized herein so that they may be used as an additional resource along with the Big Book and other AA literature, to help people find the pathway to freedom from alcoholism and other addictions. Arch Builders may be useful to communicate the “path to freedom” to newcomers seeking recovery from addiction, as a resource for sponsors and others in working with recovering individuals, as a 12 Step workshop or meeting format with groups of recovering people and as a general resource for all those seeking to strengthen their personal spiritual development.

AA History and Christian Recovery

Dick B. Presents

Research on A.A. History and Its Application in Christian Recovery Efforts Today

For your listening, viewing, and learning as to how worldwide recovery from alcoholism and other addictions is seeing the role that God, His Son Jesus Christ, and the Bible have played and can play today for those who want God’s help in the cure of alcoholism and drug addiction. The following video classes are for those who want God’s help in the cure of alcoholism and drug addiction. For more detailed check out the webpage, respective links to see and listen, learn and pass along, and support us in our ongoing work.

Welcome to

Here you will experience much historical and related information on the subject of Alcoholics Anonymous and Alcoholics Anonymous history. Officially begun on December 12th, 2000, is now in its twentieth year and is one of the largest sites of its type in the World – a repository, archive, you might say, of Alcoholics Anonymous History and related information.

There is still so much more work to be done on that I expect to be working on the rest of my life. Alcoholics Anonymous saved my life from certain death! There are Thousands of pages of information here and the site will continue to grow. It is hoped that your visit here will continue to be helpful to you and more importantly, be helpful to the new member of the Fellowship and the new visitors to

The 12 Steps Illustrated

Take a look at these wonderfully illustrated steps.  Giving a perspective and visual to the foundational principles that gives us recovery.


You see, “alcohol” in Latin is “spiritus” and you use the same word for the highest religious experience as well as for the most depraving poison. The helpful formula therefore is: spiritus contra spiritum.

The Bill W.-Carl Jung Letters


HERE is a vital chapter of AA’s early history, first published in the Grapevine in January 1963. (Back copies of that issue have been entirely sold out.) Bill’s comments on the importance of Dr. Carl Jung’s contribution to AA-in-embryo begin on page 10 of this issue.

15 Things AA Can Teach the Church

Alcoholics Anonymous has forever changed the church.  And it has done it right under our noses.  Or better put, in our church basements, classrooms, and meeting rooms.   AA introduced the concept of spirituality apart from religion.  It took away the middleman.  It has put into place the most successful self-duplicating, small group model in recent history.  And it has done it by emulating the model of the early church.  On June 10, AA turned 80 years old.  From extremely humble beginnings, an estimated 23 million people in the US now live with long term recovery from alcohol and other drugs.  Here are the top 15 things AA can teach the Church.


Remember that we deal with alcohol—cunning, baffling, powerful! Without help it is too much for us. But there is One who has all power—that One is God. May you find Him now!

Half measures availed us nothing. We stood at the turning point. We asked His protection and care with complete abandon. 

Alcoholics Anonymous , p 181

But life among Alcoholics Anonymous is more than attending gatherings and visiting hospitals….. Being wrecked in the same vessel, being restored and united under one God, with hearts and minds attuned to the welfare of others, the things which matter so much to some people no longer signify much to them. How could they?


Alcoholics Anonymous , p 161