Introduction to Revival Recovery
Introduction to Revival Recovery
We Agnostics? Seekers, skeptics, intellectuals, agnostics and atheists are welcome! Answers follow questions so investigate! “ seek and you will find! “
We Agnostics? Seekers, skeptics, intellectuals, agnostics and atheists are welcome! Answers follow questions so investigate! “ seek and you will find! “
Ultimate Do Over
Ultimate Do Over
Beginnings- A Brief History of The Origin of Recovery Fellowships
Beginnings- A Brief History of The Origin of Recovery Fellowships
Breaking the family Chain of addiction
Breaking the family Chain of addiction
One Sponsor
One Sponsor
Pass it On, The AA Golden Text and The Great Commission
Pass it On, The AA Golden Text and The Great Commission
Repentance and the empty throne - Repent Definition of repent - to turn from sin and dedicate oneself to the amendment of one's life
Repentance and the empty throne - Repent Definition of repent - to turn from sin and dedicate oneself to the amendment of one's life
Serenity Prayer Original long version- Reinhold Niebuhr and Frederick Bonhoeffer
Serenity Prayer Original long version- Reinhold Niebuhr and Frederick Bonhoeffer
Spirit Sailing
Spirit Sailing
Switching to “The”Higher Power
Switching to “The”Higher Power
The Fellowship Then and Now
The Fellowship Then and Now
Beginnings A Brief History of The Origin of Recovery Fellowships
Beginnings A Brief History of The Origin of Recovery Fellowships
First things First- AA Slogans and Sermon on the Mount
First things First- AA Slogans and Sermon on the Mount
Friends of Bills Friend
Friends of Bills Friend
Half Measures…Old Ideas….Results Nil Until We Let go absolutely … sought His protection and care with complete abandon , renewing of the mind - Romans 12
Half Measures…Old Ideas….Results Nil Until We Let go absolutely … sought His protection and care with complete abandon , renewing of the mind - Romans 12
How Big is God? The One who Has all Power, Find Him Now
How Big is God? The One who Has all Power, Find Him Now
Passing the Flame
Passing the Flame
Repentance and the empty throne
Repentance and the empty throne
Sought His Protection and Care with Complete Abandon…..Just Be Held
Sought His Protection and Care with Complete Abandon…..Just Be Held
The Fellowship Then and Now
The Fellowship Then and Now
The Monkey Trap. Pain by other names- pitiful incomprehensible demoralization, restless irritable discontent, bedevilments Let Go Let God Psalm 46-10
The Monkey Trap. Pain by other names- pitiful incomprehensible demoralization, restless irritable discontent, bedevilments Let Go Let God Psalm 46-10
The One Who Has All Power....May you find Him now
The One Who Has All Power....May you find Him now
The Oxford Group Puzzle- Recovery Revival , Restored and United
The Oxford Group Puzzle- Recovery Revival , Restored and United
The Road of Happy Destiny, The Road to Emmaus
The Road of Happy Destiny, The Road to Emmaus
The twelve steps and offering your gift
The twelve steps and offering your gift
Singleness of Purpose
Singleness of Purpose
Thousands of years of Pitiful and incomprehensible demoralization
Thousands of years of Pitiful and incomprehensible demoralization
We were reborn p 62 & 63 BB - How it Works John 3- 1-8 & 34-35
We were reborn p 62 & 63 BB - How it Works John 3- 1-8 & 34-35
Welcome Mat- 12 Step prayer rug, Knock and the door will be opened, Steps 4-9
Welcome Mat- 12 Step prayer rug, Knock and the door will be opened, Steps 4-9
The Spiritual Experiment: Eight Points of the Oxford Group, Appendix , MyText, John 7:17
The Spiritual Experiment: Eight Points of the Oxford Group, Appendix , MyText, John 7:17
There is a Solution- Fellowship of the Spirit Big Book Pg 25 & 164
There is a Solution- Fellowship of the Spirit Big Book Pg 25 & 164
A Program of Action: Faith without works is dead: James chapter 2 and the 12 steps.
A Program of Action: Faith without works is dead: James chapter 2 and the 12 steps.
What’s the message?
What’s the message?
Rarely or Never?
Rarely or Never?
The overgrown path to Revival
The overgrown path to Revival
God is an Experience: The Big Book asterisk.
God is an Experience: The Big Book asterisk.
God’s will? : Eureka!
God’s will? : Eureka!
“Spiritus contra spiritum”: Carl Jung’s letter to Bill Wilson 1961…12 Step recovery, Fellowship of the Spirit.
“Spiritus contra spiritum”: Carl Jung’s letter to Bill Wilson 1961…12 Step recovery, Fellowship of the Spirit.
Love and Fear: The TWO core emotions, fear is a reaction , love is an action
Love and Fear: The TWO core emotions, fear is a reaction , love is an action
 Lack of Power that was our dilemma: the answer? Philippians 4:13…I can do all things through Him that gives me strength
Lack of Power that was our dilemma: the answer? Philippians 4:13…I can do all things through Him that gives me strength
God is a fellowship
God is a fellowship
Whats the only requirement? The gateway to the Kingdom, ….honesty, open mindedness , willingness repentance, righteousness
Whats the only requirement? The gateway to the Kingdom, ….honesty, open mindedness , willingness repentance, righteousness
The trumpet will sound!
The trumpet will sound!
We Made a Decision/ We Made a Commitment : The third step recovery revival style
We Made a Decision/ We Made a Commitment : The third step recovery revival style
12 Steps to the greatest commandment
12 Steps to the greatest commandment